Question: What's the most complex and challenging intellectual feat ever achieved by human beings and who did it?
By a complex feat of engineering, its movement triggers blue flashing lights that dart across the clockface, letting students know if they are late for a lecture.
So, they accomplished complex feats.
That he managed to acknowledge his father's saxophone influence without emulation was, in itself, a complex feat.
This is certainly a complex feat of engineering, but it is not cultural.
He bounded upstairs to fetch evidence: a fat loose-leaf binder of black-and-white cartoon storyboards for every shot in the movie, which is jammed with complex cinematic feats.
His mind was incredibly compartmentalized to manage such a complex feat.
In one of the most complex logistical feats of the war, he proceeded to do just that.
The panel also expressed worry that the lander's 12 thrusters had to act "in unison to ensure a stable descent," and that such a complex feat had never been tried.
The Sky Divers soared overhead, swooping and gliding in complex feats of aerial choreography.