He has never been fired, but his departures have always been complex dramas.
But behind this sentimental scenario, there's a more complex and interesting drama.
But a closer reading of the Gospels reveals a much more complex drama being enacted.
That such a subtly complex drama of erotic disconnection could be conjured up by such simple means is truly remarkable.
Since the indictments, Federal and state prosecutors have been involved in a complex legal procedural drama about where or when the two Washington lawyers would be tried.
Contemporary revisionist thinking tries for a more balanced view of Indians as players in a vastly complex drama.
It's a smart, complex drama that attempts to get through the facades that have always hidden the truth.
The last day of the amnesty was marked by the conflicting pressures that have made the program an extraordinarily complex human and legal drama.
Among other achievements, in these works he transformed the comic-opera genre into a vehicle for sublime, complex and profound dramas.
A literate, emotionally complex drama about two divorced lovers and their efforts to build a relationship in the face of challenges from children and ex-spouses.