It also didn't house a complex computer.
Any one-horse college and most high schools own or share time in computers much more complex.
I believe this to be possibly the finest and most complex computer ever built.
In the early 1980s, we were designing computers so complex, our engineering processes couldn't keep up with them.
Eventually, once the player encounters her, she is revealed to be a complex computer, with robotic parts hanging from a larger device.
An index was a tool created to make it easier for people to find their way through the labyrinthine memory of a complex computer.
Perhaps the hum was merely the operating frequency of the vastly complex computer in which they stood.
The first question we ask is, is the human brain a better computer - a more complex computer?
He felt he had formed a bond of mutual understanding with the complex computer.
If all goes according to plan, the new devices would give technophobic customers access to the Internet without using a more complex personal computer.