The registration fee is a complex computation that differs from vehicle to vehicle.
More complex computations may involve many operations and data elements together.
Converting a date from an Indian calendar to the common era can require a complex computation.
These include materials that can change their properties based on some input, but do not have the ability to do complex computation by themselves.
Liquid crystal 3D displays exist but require complex computation to produce images which limits their refresh rate and size.
Of course, the iToaster cannot run standard software, nor can it do complex computations.
It is even possible to entirely eliminate complex computations from resulting programs by performing the work at compile-time.
Sometimes, selection of simpler model is done to avoid complex computation and to save time.
She is a mathematical genius, and has been able to make complex computations in her head since a very young age.
Sophisticated software and large amounts of processor "horsepower" are required for these complex computations.