Many transactions with public entities, however, involve more complex or extensive communications than can be provided through such simple methods.
This was the first breakthrough Paul had in understanding orcas' complex communication system.
And slowly they established a fairly complex communication.
The key and the ship exchanged complex electronic communication.
Name that tune: the song repertoire of humpback whales has evolved many times in just the past decade, indicating complex cultural communication.
The charity offers support services to children, young people and adults with complex communication needs throughout their lives.
"More of the essential ingredients needed to kickstart complex communication are evident in chimpanzees than we thought," Crockford said.
It's utterly absurd to think that all creatures don't have complex communications, emotions or the ability to make tiny decisions every second of the day.
The spinal cord allows complex communication between the brain and the body.
Symbols are a means of complex communication that often times can have multiple levels of meaning.