Atmospheric chemistry could be analysed for complex chemicals that may by the byproducts of technology.
I haven't a clue what the stuff does, but I'm willing to bet the orange liquid is a complex chemical you can't replace.
These are complex chemicals widely used as pesticides in agriculture.
A range of industries manufacture or use complex organic chemicals.
From a sac behind the peculiarly flattened lungs, a complex chemical pumped into its system.
Some interactions among complex chemical, physical, and biological processes are not well understood.
Like the mind, a weather system contains complex chemical, electrical, and mechanical properties.
Many plants are green mainly because of a complex chemical known as chlorophyll which is involved in photosynthesis.
Each individual person is a unique miracle, an amazing combination of complex chemicals with special talents, dreams, and experiences.
A few seconds at 1,200 to 1,600 degrees breaks complex chemicals into simple, largely odorless oxygen compounds.