"I have had a horrible life and a wonderful life," he said in his suite at the Carlyle, speaking in an English colored by a complex assortment of European accents.
What a complex assortment of multicolored connectors, wires, circuits, transistors, or whatever they were called, lots of weensy things at any rate.
The Sumerians had a complex assortment of incompatible number systems and each city had their own local way of writing numerals.
Good soup often requires a complex assortment of vegetables and seasonings.
Scientology terminology consists of a complex assortment of jargon used by Scientologists in conjunction with the practice of Scientology and in their everyday lives.
The triple gearshift levers augmented the suggestion of a complex assortment of ratios.
"Triomf" is comic writing shot through with serious intent, a complex assortment of tones superbly conveyed by the South African poet Leon de Kock's often exhilarating translation.
Down deep, she is a complex assortment of logic exercises, HTML code and market research.
Another map of Gamma Tauri IV was displayed on the wall screen; it was marked with a complex assortment of grid lines, color codes, symbols, and statistics.
Alabama's 10 other claims are drawn from a complex assortment of at least 15 barometers that have defined and confused the history of the game as far back as 1889.