He retired on July 1, 1988 after completion of more than 36 years of active service.
Upon completion of 34 years of service, he retired as America's highest ranking diplomat.
Construction began in 2005 with an estimated timeline for completion of 20 years.
Applicants are accepted after the completion of 10+2 years of primary and secondary school.
On the completion of 50 years, a re-union is being organized by the sponsors.
After the completion of 3 years of service, officers are classified as "police officer 1st class."
After the completion of four years in the program the students are awarded certificates.
B. degree is awarded on successful completion of five years (10 semesters in total).
After the completion of sixty years, the calendar starts a new with the first year.
It marked the completion of 50 successful years after establishment.