With the completion of a $15.8 million three-year renovation, the question will be if that vision is it still as compelling today.
Also in 1993, the airport marked the completion of a $50.4m terminal renovation.
In fact, it was weeks away from completion of a $2.5 million renovation and the removal of scaffolding covering the exterior before the fire.
Maybe, though, with the recent completion of a 10-year renovation, that will change.
Cordoned off indefinitely is the destroyed west face, which was only five days from completion of a three-year, $258 million renovation.
Arjmand is nearing completion of a $10 million renovation to the mall.
Or a homeowner's repeated requests for changes in the original plan can delay completion of a renovation and drive up the cost.
This struggle went on until the community victory and the completion of a massive renovation of the greystone buildings.
The stadium unveiled a new look in 2006 with the completion of a $90 million renovation.
The school opened in 1957 and celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2007-2008 with the completion of a $22 million renovation and administration building.