His completion of the race meant that he became the first British track athlete to compete in five Olympic Games.
The early completion could mean that products using the 601 could be out within the 12 to 18 month timeframe.
But completion of the sentence did not mean that the government was done with the Son of Gotti.
The completion of an extension to the National Football League's collective-bargaining agreement means labor peace for another six years.
The completion of the Camp Nou, finished in 1957, meant the club had little money to spend on new players.
The completion of phase 2 means this section is no longer used by Eurostar trains.
Good progress earns extra time off their sentence while successful completion means higher prison wages.
Interestingly, the completion of the school did not mean an end to the usage of the old building's facilities.
However, the completion of the motorway M35 means Budapest can now be reached in under two hours.
This completion of the renovations means that ships over a thousand tons can now arrive in Luzhou.