The white wood aster, which should be blooming now, is completely wilted.
Place the rest in a skillet, with the water from the rinsing still clinging to it, and cook over medium heat until it has wilted completely.
Looking at Rhyde, Janice realized that the millionaire was completely wilted.
Add the fresh or frozen spinach and cook until the spinach is completely wilted and any excess liquid evaporated from the pan.
Add the spinach, and cook, stirring constantly, until it is completely wilted.
Stir until the greens have completely wilted, about 5 minutes.
Continue cooking and stirring until the chard is completely wilted and the rice is tender but firm.
Cook over medium heat a few minutes, stirring occasionally, until leaves are completely wilted.
Stir in the salt, pepper, honey and sherry and cook until the cabbage is completely wilted and most of the liquid has evaporated, about 25 minutes more.