The legend that Mozart might have been poisoned using Aqua Tofana is completely unsubstantiated.
Rumors of foul play and theft of the body are completely unsubstantiated by Scotland Yard.
In any case, it's completely unsubstantiated.
"These are completely unsubstantiated," an Italian official spokesman said of the accusations.
The links between fish farming and harmful algal blooms, "are completely unsubstantiated," Mr. Lapointe said.
They initiated an immediate inquiry and met me again the next day to report that the accusation was completely unsubstantiated.
The captain's conclusions were completely unsubstantiated.
His accusations have been described as inflammatory and completely unsubstantiated, however, and issues of self-determination and self-identity said to be more complex than that.
A defense lawyer responded that the charges were "completely unsubstantiated" and that the prosecutors were relying on testimony from "two psychopathic killers."
Inferences of murder or foul play are completely unsubstantiated.