But the person of goodwill seemed always to be at a disadvantage before the completely unscrupulous power that was Evil Incarnate.
They have phenomenal sales skills and are completely unscrupulous.
He is a completely unscrupulous man.
He's devious, sly, and completely unscrupulous; and he's your responsibility.
Tocsin had been President before me, and had been completely unscrupulous.
They hate you, and they are completely unscrupulous.
People were completely unscrupulous; everyone stole everyone else's ideas.
That ma- chine has shown itself to be completely unscrupulous in the manipulation of people and events.
And then suddenly into this peace - even in wartime it's still peace - comes the clever, the warped, the completely unscrupulous, ambitious, educated criminal.
'You're completely unscrupulous, Lydia,' said Betty, but she had laughed for a moment.