The Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (Liberated) was completely uninvolved in this merger, so its separate Theological University remains.
Kirkman has also criticized Hurley for being completely uninvolved in his training regimen, and stated that Hurley gave short notice of upcoming fights.
"It is absolutely imperative that you remain completely uninvolved in our further dealings with the mirror-universe rebels."
The school principal said DMCI was "completely uninvolved" with the clinic, except for providing space.
In addition, Salisbury never thought isolation to be "splendid" as he considered it dangerous to be completely uninvolved with European affairs.
Kira, obviously young enough to some day enjoy motherhood, was completely uninvolved.
It did not pay enough attention to the possibility that there had been a major intelligence loss in which the Los Alamos scientist was a minor player, or completely uninvolved.
Not a few completely uninvolved people were accused of being involved in the heist, with the media loudly proclaiming their guilt even with no evidence or facts to support its claims.
Thus, although he was completely uninvolved with the Revolution, his death was ordered as an act of revenge.
The victim's wife was released by police, who determined that she was completely uninvolved in her husband's death.