While the city's outskirts were completely undefended, resistance intensified as the charging Poles reached the centre.
The Virginians ended up in a second line of battle behind the main Confederate line, leaving the gap completely undefended.
I leave you alone for an hour and you sneak out to a completely undefended public area!
Jouett knew that the legislature was completely undefended.
It'll be completely undefended until we blow it.
There are only a handful of us and the ruler of Finiah never leaves the mine completely undefended.
That is not to say that the villas was completely undefended, and this is apparent in the architecture.
This left the city completely undefended.
They left a section of the outer hull completely undefended, and suddenly it became plain that this was not only an attack but an invasion.
Unless our Commander's plan fools them, our enemy will know that the far side of the planet is completely undefended.