I imagine it's even possible to leave me completely speechless." "
Blade was as close to being completely speechless as he'd ever been in his life.
Still gripping the blankets as if they were a lifeline, she stared back at fitzAlan, completely speechless.
Faced with a remark of such stupidity, one is left completely speechless.
His gratitude was quite genuine, by God; it left me completely speechless.
At this the old man proved he was not completely speechless by saying in a dry, expressionless voice: "Go ahead.
For the first time in her life as a woman, she was completely speechless.
She wasn't sure how he managed the image on the viewscreen had left her completely speechless.
Jakes's face mirrored all the things that Bob felt, but he was completely speechless for once.
It was the first time since they left Earth that Kirk had seen Pardonnet completely speechless.