According to Kunstler's autobiography, the sizable contingent of New Jersey State Troopers guarding the courthouse were under strict orders from their commander, Col. Clinton Pagano, to completely shun Shakur's defense attorneys.
The college has not completely shunned the wilderness.
In the same degree as Cornelius de Witt had excited the hatred of the people by sowing those evil seeds which are called political passions, Van Baerle had gained the affections of his fellow citizens by completely shunning the pursuit of politics, absorbed as he was in the peaceful pursuit of cultivating tulips.
Thus, Chong Heihu, and the Grand Duke of the West completely shun the Chong Houhu for his idiotic impulsive ways.
Ali did not approve of the song and completely shunned it.
Mr. Bradley has not completely shunned political handling.
The reason for her completely shunning him are explained in flashbacks to events in 1848.
Although not completely shunned, the individual will no longer be considered a member of the ACCA.