Because they're completely intertwined.
"The two are completely intertwined."
My life is completely intertwined with this.
They all love games, and as his wife works with him as well, family life and work life are completely intertwined.
As Karla Kuskin has said, the great picture books are more like opera than anything else, with the images and words completely intertwined.
They were completely intertwined, ecstasy multiplied, blending, spiraling out of control as one.
Gordon Thiessen, a governor of the Bank of Canada, notes that the impact of the coming vote on markets is "completely intertwined with debt levels."
I realize that they are completely intertwined with each other and that only the Dutchman's-pipe is a perennial.
"The architectural experience and the acoustic experience are completely and utterly intertwined," Mr. Woodger explained.
The life of "Peanuts" and Charles Schulz were completely intertwined.