The depurination event rapidly and completely inactivates the ribosome, resulting in toxicity from inhibited protein synthesis.
Cooking or pasteurizing does not completely inactivate microorganisms and may need to be followed with refrigeration to preserve fish products and increase their shelf life.
Unprotected spores in layers open to space or behind a quartz window were completely or nearly completely inactivated, and similarly low survival was obtained behind a thin layer of clay acting as an optical filter.
Until such time as a means of completely inactivating it can be devised, it has been decided to send it offworld, where it cannot fall into the wrong hands and cannot raise again its own specific dangers.
In 1955, one of the companies that made Jonas Salk's new polio vaccine failed to completely inactivate the embedded virus.
Some agency officials cite an incident in the 1950's when a slight change in the production process led to a failure to inactivate completely the virus used in the Salk polio vaccine.
It takes one to two years for the targeted area to become completely inactivated.
Sodium hypochlorite is also rapidly and completely inactivated by dirt and all other organic materials including detergents.
When the hypolarization of the membrane in these interneurons is maintained at a certain level calcium conductance is reduced, if not completely inactivated.
Knox et al. first noted that HClO is a sulfhydryl inhibitor that, in sufficient quantity, could completely inactivate proteins containing sulfhydryl groups.