He has been completely impervious to the political winds swirling around him, and we have had our storms.
It could be made, with little effort, completely impervious to heat up to 6oo degrees Centigrade, and quite inert to almost all chemicals.
But to do this, that entity must be completely impervious to the ultimate weapon of capitalism: money.
The robot appears completely impervious to any of their attacks, and fights off the entire group with relative ease.
"I've heard that they're completely impervious to phasers."
That is, it was completely impervious to matter moving in either direction, instead of only to that moving inwardly.
They were fashioned of completely impervious material, with attached hoods and full-face masks.
They are not tuned to my bloodlines, but that does not mean I am completely impervious against them.
The monster's flesh was completely impervious to weapons of Earth's dreamland.
"It would be completely impervious to any attack we could mount against it, Craftsmaster."