The resulting uproar drowned completely the voices of the judges, questioning and exclaiming.
Rasputin ingested enough poison to kill 10 men, shot 3 times, beaten several times and did not completely drown but only partly.
The clatter of the train, the creak of the old wooden car, completely drowned the slight groan that sounded behind Harry's back.
With a dash of spunky attitude she saves the CD from completely drowning in a sea of sweetness.
The new dam's reservoir completely drowned the old dam behind it.
Zabulon's howl didn't cut through the roar of the hurricane; it completely drowned it.
There came a sound of rushing water, not quite loud enough to drown completely the sound of her being sick once again.
"You do, apparently," Bosk said with a cunning not even the jump-juice could completely drown.
It never went that way before, just completely surrounded him like he was a part of me, like he was completely drowning in my light.
The village suffered from a number of floods, and on November 5, 1530, it drowned completely.