The Shrouders may look alien, but the basic architectures of their minds were not completely dissimilar to our own.
Gradually, and with humor, it becomes clear that the cases are completely dissimilar.
The process of personnel recruiting for industry is not completely dissimilar from recruiting spies.
Imagine two completely dissimilar individuals, settings and story lines and see if they can be woven together.
How had the same seed produced such different results, this completely dissimilar flowering?
Our budget is completely dissimilar to national budgets, which have very little discretionary spending.
The second version, the one that appears on the album is considerably different, with a lower tempo, and a completely dissimilar bassline.
I have another, not completely dissimilar idea.
Also completely dissimilar from felines was the thick, broad, very muscular body.
But as development worked its way west, Hoboken has gone from having two completely dissimilar residential markets to being more like one big market, he said.