A badly infected mature tree may completely defoliate by the end of June, giving its owner a bad attack of jitters until it begins leafing out again a few weeks later.
If we could manufacture and apply the virus to concerned areas it could provide a great way to prevent them from completely defoliating trees.
Completely defoliated plants start to show die-back symptoms and gradually get killed.
The larvae feed on the foliage of plants, and can completely defoliate small ones.
In extreme droughts it may defoliate completely.
The caterpillars can completely defoliate young citrus trees (below 2 feet) and devastate citrus nurseries.
The larvae and adults of the Viburnum leaf beetle feed on the leaves and may completely defoliate the plant, and repeated damage can kill it.
The nests may persist for up to 20 years and such a nest in rain forest can completely defoliate a major tree in a single night.
The larvae are serious garden pests and can completely defoliate irises, especially the Yellow Iris, when these are growing by water.