But suddenly we realized that nobody will completely comprehend the loss of human potential, what could have been.
Mr. Awdry never completely comprehended the fame or popularity of the characters he had created.
Some spirits will completely comprehend the facts of their death and make the transition easily while others will need further assistance.
If Sissy failed to comprehend completely, at least she no longer felt confused.
And is that not because he cannot completely comprehend such emotionality?
She didn't seem to completely comprehend what had happened.
"There are a lot of things we can't comprehend completely and he'll make it a lot easier to understand."
It is a literary effort to discuss some of the inexplicable anomalies that after centuries science still cannot completely comprehend.
It took me about three silent repetitions of everyone's roles to completely comprehend the connections Diane was sketching.
It was too much to really comprehend completely.