And while this doesn't completely account for Jenny's swerve into radicalism, we are certainly closer to understanding the forces that drive her.
A messy situation is a real-life, a highly multivariate one is where independent variables cannot be minimized nor completely accounted for.
A Growing Police Force Military commanders say they cannot completely account for the whereabouts of the insurgency.
The two laws of thermodynamics do not account for nature completely.
Eclectic tastes and mix-and-match decorating did not completely account for this large variety.
For the first time, AT&T accounted completely in one quarter for costs related to Excite@Home's activities.
Still, the ship carries some 2,300 passengers, so that can't account completely for the mix.
"We couldn't account for him completely, because we were in the zone and not rushing a lot of people," explained Belichick.
Like many experts in the field, Dr. Dunn believes there are several primary explanations for the increase but cannot completely account for its four-fold leap.
Furthermore, if there is publication bias in this data set, it does not appear to account completely for the finding of an increased NHL risk.