During the show, Yoanna broke her high heels and had to use Mercedes' heel, but was able to successfully complete the show.
Her tender-tough way with ideas and images - a kind of loaded nonchalance - extends to the short, enigmatic film that completes the show.
Mounting this show has required an enormous number of international loans, and to complete the show the Modern has, in a sense, borrowed from itself.
April is disgusted at herself and cannot complete the show.
The singer was unable to complete the show at Newcastle University on October 28, which resulted in a mini-riot.
Colt constructed fireworks to complete the show, which was a success.
Participants who completed the show were given a medallion for their jamboree emblem patches.
Today, over a million lights complete the light show.
The band then rejoined the song, which completed the show.
Thirty minutes and a quart of fresh orange juice later, return she did and completed the show.