Constantine I completed the separation of military commands from the adminuistrative structure.
When he had done that, a call came through from Evan in engineering, patiently waiting to complete the separation.
The agreement is an outline to complete the corporate separation.
Often they have loud and long arguments with their parents, as if they need that to complete the emotional separation.
This completes the separation of the circulatory system into two halves, the left and the right.
We completed the separation and freed the sides.
The technical issue, after all, was to complete the separation of head from body, and all that stood between the two was the neck.
A second operation to complete the separation up to the groin took place on September 7, 2006.
Frontier will not complete the separation from Republic until early the first half of 2013.
Palm is to announce on Monday that it has completed the separation and negotiated a licensing agreement with the subsidiary.