That the would-be passengers had barely completed 90 minutes of martial arts training didn't really matter.
Thousands of them began celebrating early by swarming onto the field with 49 seconds to go, making it impossible to complete 60 minutes of action.
The double crossing was completed 13 hours and 59 minutes after it began.
Fifteen minutes completed at thirty-four knots -eight decimal five miles, sir.
It ranges from 175 miles to about 5,000 miles, with one full circuit of the planet completed every three hours and 10 minutes.
Officials estimate the average household will need 14 minutes to complete the short form and 43 minutes for the long form.
Before moving on to the cardio portion of the workout, be sure you've completed 20 minutes of resistance training.
Douglas completed 90 minutes in a reserve match earlier on in the week.
He made 24 league appearances in the 42-match season, but completed 90 minutes just twice and 14 of the 24 were from the bench.
Tracking ... estimated time to complete, eight minutes, fifteen seconds.