The facelift included a complete reworking of the entire playing surface.
But there was also a complete reworking of the shuttle's three main engines.
This was the first complete reworking of the 1993 Monster 900, on which the company's existence has more or less depended ever since.
Hence the need for a complete reworking of the copyright system.
Mk2 is a complete reworking of the game, with every model available changed and/or recosted, alongside the changes to the rules set.
This time, however, the changes were more pronounced, including entirely new moves for some characters and a complete reworking of the tiers of the game.
It consisted of a complete reworking of the tables for the acoustic interface.
The company promised a complete reworking, and it delivered.
The almost complete reworking of peacekeeping operations is taking place a month before the end of a partial cease-fire in Bosnia.
Thomas's involvement stems from a complete reworking of the English version of the film.