I don't necessarily see it leading to a complete merger, but having said that, I'd also have to acknowledge it's not entirely out of the question.
The complete merger of the pair - is regarded as most common, while the status of vs is less clear.
In the early 1980s, expectations of a complete merger with East Kent began to grow.
Sadhana is concretized in particular with the practice of meditation for complete merger and unification.
The complete merger seems to have happened only in Kerala and Karnataka.
West Bengal is reported to have taken similar steps; yet, it does not measure up to the yardstick of complete merger.
But those were baby steps toward what is now the complete merger.
Historic partnership ties between the two branches were revitalized, leading to a complete merger in 2003.
A complete merger of the two forces was proposed but voted against in 2010, although they have continued to merge more of their individual services.
But he will discuss and vote on the great majority of applications by banks to enter new businesses and complete mergers.