And the presence of Romulans- and their cloaking devices- would account for the rebel base's complete invisibility from the air.
It vanished into complete invisibility.
'And we say that your Morris Minor is only notable for its complete and utter invisibility.'
This emerging wireless communications network, perhaps in keeping with its ethereal medium, is being constructed with deliberate and almost complete invisibility.
The answer must be that they do without eyesight as we know it, for I think they naturally maintain a complete invisibility.
All of these international stars, the Michael Jordans of the soccer set, could walk down most American streets with complete invisibility.
The trunk was a duplicate of the one which Andy Martin had carried into complete invisibility.
Its ability to operate through any non-conductive material permits complete invisibility.
"We've bent over backward to compromise," Rabbi Kleinbaum says, "but some of the Orthodox have announced that only our complete invisibility is acceptable to them."