But then, just as the metal army had marched into position, it suddenly seemed to freeze into complete immobility.
Miss Grosvenor, startled for a moment into complete immobility, rose uncertainly to her feet.
And then, suddenly, after a quarter of an hour's complete immobility his eyebrows began to move slowly up his forehead.
Stalking her in complete immobility, so to speak.
From complete immobility, The Shadow's agent leaped into swift action.
Only the complete immobility of Fraser's face betrayed his surprise.
They sat shocked into complete immobility, hearts in their throats, for a very long time.
He closed all three eyes for a moment, shocked into complete immobility.
Beth was about to stand up when a tremendous crash shocked her into complete immobility.
As though a magic wand had been waved, for a moment the struggling couple seemed frozen into complete immobility.