Sending their troops over the top to make the supreme sacrifice was complete folly then .
It was a moment of ecstasy, and complete folly.
The complete folly of coming here hit him fully, rendering action or speech even more impossible.
Jerusha, it would be complete folly.
The second in command had more sense and realized that it would be complete folly to leave the camp without any protection at all.
After so many years of submitting to his whims, the complex now recalls a folly built by a mid-19th-century English gentleman, complete with ceramic menagerie.
"I didn't want to design something that was complete folly," he said.
I cannot say yet whether my actions will result in a brilliant coup or complete folly.
As he sees it, "To take away a weapon that has worked so effectively in keeping dangerous criminals out of our schools would be complete folly."
To rely solely on second-hand cooking oil seems complete folly.