The Roman tradition of realistic personal portraiture was in complete eclipse in his time, where individual traits were submerged in iconic typecastings.
Scouting in Japan suffered almost complete eclipse in World War II, and took time to recover.
During the first tenth of the first million years after the fall of the World State, during a hundred thousand years, man remained in complete eclipse.
Unable to see the complete historical eclipse of the West with its sham democracies fronting by turns for the 1% and the IMF.
"It is more like gradual displacement than a complete eclipse," Mr. Mallinson said.
Following this occurred the decisive Battle of Colachel, resulting in the complete eclipse of Dutch power in Kerala.
They had never seen one before, and this was a complete eclipse, with every bit of daylight and sunlight gradually going from the world they looked upon.
She was born during a complete solar eclipse, which makes her a very potentially powerful Growsian, a being who can wield great magic like in the old world.
Tenor-saxophonist Hank Mobley, whose career was about to go into a complete eclipse, is in brilliant form, showing how much he had grown since his earlier days.
This led to the complete eclipse of Phagmodrupa power in Central Tibet.