Bonaparte's brothers, desirous of obtaining complete dominion over his mind, strenuously endeavoured to lessen the influence which Josephine possessed from the love of her husband.
We do, however, have complete dominion over our behavior, and for Morita, that is a sacred responsibility.
It is thus distinguished from jus in re which is a complete and absolute dominion over a thing available against all persons.
It had an almost complete dominion over Weißenbrunn vorm Wald.
The N.C.A.A. had achieved complete dominion over televised college football.
A man who can achieve complete dominion over you when you yourself are without a spark of consciousness or will.
These schools were founded as part of the church and were under their complete dominion.
The Court defined income as 1) accession to wealth; 2) that is clearly realized; and 3) over which the taxpayer has complete dominion.
To determine whether the deposits were income, the Supreme Court noted that "undeniable accessions to wealth, clearly realized, and over which the taxpayers have complete dominion" constitute income.
They would have complete dominion over it.