And no other places could follow this precedent unless they were federations in a process of complete dissolution - a rarity in modern political history.
The law supporting complete dissolution was temporarily inadmissible, due to a rework of the penal code.
Only a muffled noise accompanied the complete dissolution of its structure.
Adjuvant chemolitholytic medication was given to obtain complete dissolution of the fragments.
The complete dissolution takes place in the age of baroque.
"The op- timal result would be their complete dissolution, but reduction beyond the ring of three should be sufficient for present purposes."
Again, for anarchists, this is activity which is aimed at the complete dissolution of abstract power.
This reaction theoretically results in complete dissolution of the original mineral, if enough water is available to drive the reaction.
He concludes, "Those wars accelerated the process of cultural disintegration already going on within the Family and finally led to its complete dissolution."
At ambient temperature, complete dissolution might require a month; in a hot water bath, about a week.