The abrupt breakup with Peter Hill had demonstrated, yet again, that music de-manded her complete dedication.
To compete, the Profitboss eliminates complacency and achieves complete dedication to service.
"When we move this way, it shows our complete dedication," the man said, squinting from sunlight reflected off an overnight snowfall.
I'm amazed how organizations hire people and don't train them properly, yet expect complete dedication.
Bhaktimarga is usually used to describe a bhakti path with complete dedication to one form of God.
Their love for Jonathan and complete dedication to helping him recuperate slowly starts to heal their fragile relationship.
Gently but with complete dedication she put herself into the work of keeping house for Yu giri.
He continued to serve the Gurus with complete dedication and remained an example of holy living for the growing body of disciples.
Being a dragonrider required special talents and complete dedication.
"They're very careful and they prefer your complete dedication to your studies here."