This has led to repeated requests by the City authorities to convert it to other uses, including complete or partial conversion to a state park.
Spreckels decides to make a complete conversion to electrically powered vehicles.
Hence: No process is possible in which the sole result is the absorption of heat from a reservoir and its complete conversion into work.
Sure, he would like me to be more orthodox in my beliefs and practices, and will never give up hope for a complete conversion.
Their sophisticated theology was a bulwark against an immediate and complete conversion to Christianity.
But a complete conversion would be deadly.
This would have required a complete conversion of the production lines with new jigs and tooling.
Utter and complete conversion of matter into energy.
This expansion, including complete conversion to an artificial turf playing surface, cost $2.5 million and was financed through private donations.
The complete conversion to diesels, unfortunately, did not mean that Alco was to maintain this production standing.
She completed her conversion in early 2007, after three years of study.
Her conversion was not completed until after the war's end.
Full conversion will be completed during the summer this year.
However, this conversion was not completed until the summer of 1918.
The conversion cost over $180 million and was completed during the first quarter of 1998.
The conversion was completed by 20 October 1978, when she began in her new role as a training ship.
In 1940 transition to the new system began, but, due to the war, conversion could not be completed until 1955.
Due to the political turmoil at the time, conversion was not completed until 1975.
This conversion was completed in 1987, after 10 classrooms and a weight room had been added.
She completed her conversion that fall, and on 14 October was placed back in full commission.