"We have components for three complete assemblies, which my people are already working on," she exaggerated slightly.
All the pieces are lying around, some of them assembled, but the complete assembly has yet to be done.
Warmoth specializes in providing unique parts, but does not offer complete assembly of the guitar.
The usual procedure would be to destroy the test unit and complete assembly of the control and place it in service.
Her eyes gently took in the complete assembly.
The complete assembly is usually contained within a housing, mounted in a location where the sensor can cover area to be monitored.
Here, Laagi were building different small mechanisms from a pile of component parts right up to the point of complete assembly.
The complete assembly of a Chicago hot dog is said to be "dragged through the garden" due to the many toppings.
Supplied as a complete assembly with reclosable storage bag.
These tires often come as a complete assembly with the wheel and even integral ball bearings.