She had made a complete about-face, unlike almost any by an artist to have emerged in recent years.
The new regulations, issued in the final year of the Reagan Administration, represented a complete about-face.
"When he reaches the pile room, he should do a complete about-face and be back here in twenty minutes."
Mr. Bush's election-year attack on environmentalism is an almost complete about-face from the position he took in 1988.
Shakira had programmed a complete about-face at this point.
But late last month he did a complete about-face, saying deficit cutting had to come first.
In the last five years, the neighborhood has done a complete about-face.
Timothy sized up the situation and did a complete about-face.
This happened quickly, with a complete about-face by Party authorities.
They were in some ways a complete about-face from the comments the West had received over the years, many times in the composer's words.