Jimmy (now played by Jimmy Smits) completes a stint in jail and returns home.
But she kicked off 2011 by completing a stint in rehab and getting her life and career on track.
Later, in 1807, he completed a short stint at Gwalior.
Sebald set out "in the hope of dispelling the emptiness that takes hold of me whenever I have completed a long stint of work".
Last year, after Mr. Kimerling completed a brief stint at the E!
She subsequently completed a stint in rehab and attended counseling sessions.
He also completed a stint in Heartbreak High playing Nat Delaine from 1997 until 1998.
Yesterday in France, Iran completed a two-week stint with a 3-0 defeat to Montpellier.
Star in Finland Makela dropped out of school, went to work, completed a stint in the Army and never stopped playing hockey.
It fell to thirty-three the following week, and falling off the next week, completing a two-week stint on the chart.