Yet they complement one another "on stage and within myself" George explains.
In the dining room, the windows are curved to complement the veranda on the east side of the house.
But once Poornima complements him on his new look, he does not mind anymore.
The police said that the cameras complemented the presence of their officers on the ground and did not record audio inputs.
We talked about what she wanted for a moment, and I complemented her on her taste.
Also, the two bands have been said to complement each other well on this EP.
Rather, the board complemented them on their seamanlike and intrepid conduct.
The Giants' improved offensive play late in the game complemented their early play on defense.
But he said it would last three months, complementing a radio campaign on the air since January.
Johnson hopes the Mets will try to sign more veteran players to complement the youth on the team.