They say the American complaints stem from the elections in the United States this year.
The complaint stemmed from Mantra's practice of enrolling customers in continuity programs without their consent.
"The only complaints I could see were stemming from the second floor," he said.
The rap mogul was a "genius in his field," he said, suggesting that some complaints stemmed from racial bias.
Before the day was out, it was obvious his complaint about the dawdling pace stemmed from fear for the committee's well-being.
The 2011 complaint stems from the 30-minute breaks agreed to in 2010 being later reduced to 20 minutes by Electrolux.
But civil rights leaders say if a complaint stems from distaste rather than genuine land-use grievances, it should be called by its proper name.
The complaint stems from the lawyers' interviews with four detainees alleging poor treatment.
The complaint stems from a game between the two teams last week.
He also said that the complaints stemmed from the decreased earnings and higher accountability under the new system.