The complaint claims that Mr. Colchamiro encouraged the teacher, who is black, to become a secretary or school aide instead of being a teacher.
The complaint also claims that the claims were made in violation of a pre-existing court-ordered injunction.
The complaint against Pastor Lutzer claimed invasion of privacy.
The complaint filed by Texas claimed ownership of the bonds and requested that the defendants turn the bonds over to the state.
The complaint claims that he also allowed his enterprise to become large and unwieldy.
The complaint claims that the board appointment and his city job are incompatible and create "an appearance of impropriety in the eyes of the public."
The two complaints claimed that the film was still misleading and did not comply with the Ofcom ruling.
The complaint claims that these students "have missed days, weeks and months of educational services."
A third (584) actually contained questions about the unclear points of electoral law, and only 60 complaints were claiming falsifications of the elections results.
Some complaints claimed the music sounded like a German curse, although the lyrics are in English.