Foreign complaints about South Africa's bigoted sports brought more isolation.
Their complaints brought little sympathy from officials in Texas.
A complaint brought to the attention of the Notts.
She said that since her complaints to the chain's district manager brought no response, she went to the state.
The second complaint brought him an insubordination report in his file.
But repeated complaints of the kind these works evoked eventually will bring strong Congressional response - next time on a roll-call vote.
However, despite its enduring nature and political support, the system has never been an effective mechanism for dealing with the complaints brought to it.
The complaint brought him immediate attention, and a loosening of the rope.
Several years ago, a minor complaint brought me to the office of the best primary care physician I have ever had.
You may also want to send a copy to the medical director of the doctor's practice, which increases the chances that your complaint will bring results.