He compiled short stories of some important writers as Kalinga Kadhanikalu during his 70th birth anniversary.
Initially, the company will seek customers among media monitoring services that compile stories online for governments and companies.
Russell Lee, the Singaporean author, compiles reports, stories and interviews about the supernatural.
These are considered "original" collections of Sturgeon material, in that they compiled previously uncollected stories.
In 1978 he compiled stories of his encounters with celebrities and contestants in a book, "What's My Line?
Escalona's songs compile the history and stories of the Magdalena Department of the past 20th century.
We also compile historic stories from the Guardian archive for publication in our newspapers and online.
On May 21, 1990, Kesterton started compiling stories for his new column.
This organization had young Nahuas compile myths and other stories from the elders in their community, which were compiled into a book.
This autobiography compiles numerous short stories about life during the glory days of Major League Baseball.