Season 1 featured 8 competitors each paying $400,000 to enter.
Season 3 featured 24 competitors each paying $50,000 to enter.
All event costs are covered out of the entry fee except fuel which competitors pay for as they go.
Don is disturbed by the difference between the prices he and his competitors pay.
May 1990 data indicate that Americans were paying about 40 percent of what their foreign competitors pay for gas.
All competitors pay for their training, air fare and gym clothes.
He raised the wage of his workers to $6 an hour, although Wendy's and other competitors in the neighborhood were paying $4.50.
Meanwhile, Way has won every gold medal in the event, but he and other competitors have paid a price along the way.
One hundred and two competitors paid the 10 franc entrance fee.
America's steel industry learned to its distress that when foreign competitors paid attention to those things, Americans lost out.