Fierce competition to lure industry has prompted an increasing number of Pennsylvania towns to make expensive promotional videotapes to give themselves big-time appeal.
Poor results in domestic and international competitions in 2006 have prompted the club's officials to look for a new head coach.
Global competition and a decline in American work-force skills have prompted Congress to pay more attention to the needs of the economy.
The cutthroat competition, begun last year, has prompted many firms to re-examine their approach to the primary Eurobond market.
This increased competition prompted West Coast Video to lower its rates until it was eventually forced to close by the late 2000s.
The growing competition is prompting changes in both the cable and phone industries.
The competition prompted the company to implement canals cuts of their own.
But later in the decade, fierce competition prompted lenders to offer artificially low introductory "teaser" rates on the adjustables.
All this competition has prompted some surprising moves.
Fierce competition among supermarket companies has prompted a wave of mergers, making a once highly fragmented business more concentrated.