This competition drew 40,000 guests and over 70 teams.
The first major competition of the high school indoor season drew 4,000 boys and girls from 173 schools in 7 states and Washington.
The competition drew over 360 entries, seven of which were eventually printed in Amazing.
The competition drew interest from across the country, attracting 25 entries.
The competition has drawn a line in the sand.
As the General's visit ended, the competition drew to a close.
While the women's competition has drawn all the attention at these Olympics, the men's will be superior in terms of skill and depth.
According to the college, the competition drew more than 500 requests for information nationwide and abroad.
The first competition drew 600 entries who competed for $37,500 in prize money and professional services.
The competition resumed in 1945 as hostilities were drawing to a close.