This year, those following the competition circuit will be kept hopping.
There are dancers who get on to the competition circuit, and that becomes an end in itself.
For Hill, the fall meant dropping off the competition circuit at a time she had never been climbing better.
You'll naturally find your own level - whether it's getting into the growing competition circuit or sticking to a local reservoir.
Most have been on the competition circuit long enough to list a few earlier victories in their program biographies.
Anastasia is currently on the international competition circuit, winning many awards in the process.
Artymiw has been successful on the international competition circuit.
The band eventually did not appear on the competition circuit for a couple of years after the turn of the millennium.
Many of them might spend up to 10 years on the competition circuit, hoping that lightning will strike.
As of 2012, Chusovitina is still active on the international competition circuit.